Pigeon Baby Body Peach Leaf Soap 450ml

Special Price SGD 11.70 Regular Price SGD 13.12
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Product Description
- Mixed with the peach leaf extract (moisturizing ingredient) - Can be used from 0 months old baby - No additives, suitable for baby skin. - Weakly acidic, low irritation. - Preservatives, alcohol, spices, coloring. - Wash your baby with one hand
Product Description

The botanical medicine body foam soap is mixed with the peach leaf extract (moisturizing ingredient). It can be used from 0 months old baby, no additives, suitable for baby skin. Weakly acidic, low irritation. Preservatives, alcohol, spices, coloring. Fluffy air bubbles prevent skin from escaping and wash the nasty soil cleanly. Because it matches your baby's skin with a weak acidity, the skin does not require too much sebum and it is thoroughly cleaned. Since it is a body soap that does not require foaming, you can wash your baby while holding it with one hand.

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